The Vulpin Adventure Wikia

"What is this place?!"

??? is a location only available to players who have completed Vulpin Adventure either on the website Flash Game Nexus, where it is hosted, or a website named The only enemies you can find in this area are Ducky and Monsieur Ducky.


In the first area, the background has hills that are decorated with flowers, lollipops, and what look to be statues of ducks. In the foreground, the grass is a pastel green, with paving stones laid on top for the Vulpin to walk on. The sky in this area is colored to resemble an early sunrise with a gradient of blue, pink, and yellow, with cream-colored clouds scattered across it.

In the second area, there are flower petals drifting down from the sky that resemble cherry blossom petals.

In the third area, the player can find a Golden Ducky Spoon next to the sign that leads to the final boss fight. This is particularly useful, considering that the boss in question is startlingly difficult when compared to previous boss fights.
